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Quantum Jungle

Quantum Jungle
Quantum Jungle

This artwork is a mathematically accurate model of a quantum object, an extremely strange and tiny thing. Unlike you, a quantum object doesn’t have to be in only one place at a time. At any moment it might be here . . . and there . . . and somewhere else entirely.

Each ring of light on the surface marks one possible place where the object could be. The brighter a ring, the greater the chance that the object is there. The changing pattern is created by the quantum object moving around.

GLOW 2023 | Robin Baumgarten

About the Artist

Robin Baumgarten is an interactive artist and experimental game developer based in Berlin. Coming from an AI and commercial game development background, he is now building interactive installation artworks and award-winning experimental custom controller games such as Line Wobbler—which has been featured in over 30 exhibitions around the world—and Wobble Garden. His work has been featured internationally and he’s won several awards.