애프터 다크 목요일 밤
애프터 다크 목요일 밤
자신을 무제한
매주 목요일 밤 • 오후 6:00–10:00
Pier 15에서 만나요. 어린이는 입장할 수 없지만, 동심을 잃지 않은 사람들은 누구나 환영합니다. 일상을 잊고 과학, 예술, 인식 탐구 분야를 탐험할 수 있는 650개 이상의 체험형 전시를 즐겨보세요. 커뮤니티를 변화시키는 지식인과 크리에이터의 세계로 여러분을 모시는 프로그램을 통해 놀라운 세상을 만나보세요. 완전한 어둠 속에서 구불구불 돌아가며 세계적으로 유명한 Tactile Dome을 체험해 보세요. 음료 한 잔 마시며 호기심을 충족시켜 보세요. 75,000 제곱피트에 펼쳐진 수많은 놀라운 전시물로 인해 대화가 끊이지 않을 것입니다.
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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
After Dark: See for Yourself
Come play with 700+ interactive exhibits that explore the scientific phenomena all around us, and dive deeper with some of our most iconic exhibits, including Buckyball and Listening Vessels.
After Dark: Listen
Discover the science behind sound through our interactive exhibits and a screening of The Last of the Nightingales, a film about pioneering sound ecologist Bernie Krause.
After Dark: Land Use
Hear from UC Davis researchers on climate response at our After Dark conversation series Open Question, and explore the relationship between humans and the environment at our bayfront Observatory.
After Dark: See for Yourself
Where else would you kick off Halloween season? Join us for an evening of perspective-shifting fun, accompanied by spine-tingling scores performed by Awesome Orchestra.
After Dark: Life Cycle
Celebrate the journey of life at After Dark through stunning artworks and performances, including Elderflora, a powerful song cycle about a tree’s existence from seedling to log.
After Dark: Decision Time
Explore the psychology and sociology behind elections, voting, and collective decision-making.
After Dark: Incantation
Join the Marigold Project at After Dark, where we’ll celebrate the joy of life through poetry, pageantry, music, and dance, rooted in the signature Day of the Dead Festival of Altars traditions.
After Dark: Creepatorium
Cocktails, costumes, and a creepy good time—After Dark has everything you need for a hair-raising Halloween. Show up in your most phenomenal garb and explore the Creepatorium if you dare!